
About Us

School Shield

The shield of the school is related to the name and aim of the school.

On his third trip, History says that Christopher Columbus saw three mountains when he rediscovered this part of the New World. This fact motivated him to name this island TRINIDAD as an offering and thanksgiving to the HOLY TRINITY.

The three gold stars on a blue background representing the Holy Trinity and Heaven, means that the school is an offering and thanksgiving to God and that our definitive destiny is to go to heaven.

The three peaks represent the three mountains that Christopher Columbus saw, and our aspiration is to be useful to society.

The board of the shield with the colours of the flag of Trinidad and Tobago means that the school aspires to make a positive contribution to the development of our nation.



  • Rosewood and Trimont College
    LP #15, La Horquette Branch Road
    Trinidad & Tobago
  • 868 221 2227
